The Story Book; Poison That Kills Men


The Story Book; Poison That Kills Men

A gorgeous girl once wanted to murder her husband because she was unhappy in her marriage.

She rushed to her mother that morning and addressed her "My mother, I can no longer put up with my husband's stupidity. Please assist me, mother. I want to kill him, but I'm worried that the law would hold me accountable."

Mother's response was:

Yes, my daughter, I am able to assist you, but there is a small task involved.

The girl enquired "what job? To get him out, I'm ready and eager to take on any duty that needs to be done."

OK, said the mother,

1. You must settle your differences with him so that no one will suspect you once he dies.

2. You'll need to take care of your appearance to make yourself appear young and appealing to him.

3. You must take good care of him and show him a lot of kindness and appreciation.

4. You need to have better listening ears, be more polite and submissive, and be patient, loving, and less envious.

5. Spend your money on him and be calm even if he refuses to give you money for anything.

6. Encourage peace and love instead of speaking out against it so that you won't be thought of when he must have passed away.

The Story Book; Poison That Kills Men

Can you do all of that? 

Asked the mother.

Yes I can. She replied

OK, said the mother.

Pour a small amount of this powder into his daily meal to slowly kill him.

The woman returned to her mother after 30 days and said.

Mother, I have no desire to murder my spouse once more. Since he has fully changed and is now a much sweeter husband than I ever expected, I have come to love him.

What can I do to prevent him from dying from the poison?

Please assist me, mom.

She begged in a tearful voice.

The mother answered;

My daughter, don't be alarmed. I recently offered you nothing but turmeric powder. He won't ever die from it.

In truth, your anxiety and disinterest in your husband's death were the poison.

You only began to see him develop into a nice and sweet husband when you began to love, honor, and adore him.

Men aren't inherently evil, but the way we interact with men affects how they react to and perceive us.

Women, if you can simply treat your husband with respect, loyalty, love, care, and commitment, he will always be there for you.


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