The Witchcraft of the Salary


The salary increase is never intended to BENEFIT the employee, but the employer!

Businesses thrive on deception.

Salary is the best tool employers use to secure great talent. So, when your salary increases, you forget to leave.

When your boss is older, it doesn't mean he likes you or cares about you, it just means he cares more about their business!

A pay rise is never a godsend for a forward-thinking person, as it can make you and your plans postpone.

If you see someone getting a job and starting to look rich without the right investment vehicles, know that you are looking at a FOOL.

The Story Book; Witchcraft of the Salary

What to do?

1. Set a deadline and strive to quit your job by that date.

2. Inform your employer in advance and help them find a good replacement.

3. Set aside a portion of your salary each month, I recommend between 15% and 30%. If possible, automate.

4. Use that money to start something small.

5. Don't quit your job until your part-time job earns you double your salary.

“How can I save when my salary is very low?" asks the FOOL

Even your grandmother knows that she does not sow because she has a big harvest, but she sows to have a big harvest.

The salary YOU earns only belongs to OTHERS and  not yours!

It actually belongs to your land-lord, the grocery store owner near you, transport, the clothing store owner, the hospital, the funeral home, and everyone else except you.

They are the real owners and they quote because they are sure you bring it.

Just because you're the one who earned it doesn't mean it's yours unless you intentionally do so.

This MISCONCEPTION is responsible for the millions of employees who have worked all their lives but have nothing to prove. They end up in total despair.

Because? The reason is not sorcery, the economy or the government of your country! It is not the rate against the dollar. These aren't even generational curses. It's not because they earned little.

The reason is that they worked all their life thinking that the money they made was automatically theirs and they never bothered to think about it, so they paid everybody, but they never paid themselves. They never read this article.

Related; The Story Book;  Best Pyramid Scheme

What to do?

1. Determine a portion of your salary that you set aside each month.

2. Xaxa - Farms I recommend 20% of what you earn. Budget with 80% in mind.

3. Treat that money like money you don't have and don't let any trouble, illness, or funeral take that money.

It's the only money you own, so never leave it to anyone else. We teach a lot about what to do with that 20%.


If you find my messages boring, know that they are not for you. I write p to inspire, not to destroy. Remember I have several people I work with on this platform and they understand my heart.

Setting Up a Business in Kenya

Before starting a business...
Passion Alone Is Not Enough. I have failed in a lot in business. I had to pay off bank loans for years. But, now we run two successful businesses: multiple employees. 

If you want to start your business...

Identify The Problem You Want To Solve; Research the players in the industry you wish to enter. Discuss the niche you see with at least two other business-minded people. Make sure you are under no illusions about the opportunity you want to seize.

Master Your Business; The entire value chain, from raw materials to when your product reaches the consumer and the payment system you have. Learn fast, nobody will take care of you in business, today's customer are very impatient.

Learn from people who have been in the industry before you. Listening to employees, suppliers and service providers. Don't pretend to know everything. Be pragmatic to know all the practical aspects of your business. A belated thank you. Separate personal finances from business money.

Focus on your industry. As a new business, avoid any temptation to jump into multiple ideas. Selection is the name of the game. Focus your energy and resources on one company. To be coherent. Don't give up no matter what the challenges you face. And pray for your business.

Think investment today, think like Xaxa Farms, your preferred partner of hidden treasures, 

Today for your salary be able to real when you age.

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