Benefit Mycorrhizal Biofertilizers in Kenya.

"Benefit-Mycorrhizal-Biofertilizers-in-Kenya". image
 "Benefit-Mycorrhizal-Biofertilizers-in-Kenya". image

It is a mycorrhiza based bio-fertilizer in Kenya which contains spores of mycorrhiza fungus (Glomus spp.).

Soil fungi called mycorrhizae provide the soil with numerous advantages. A water-wise landscape must have a healthy soil. The fertility and health of the soil and the plants that grow there are influenced by organic matter, drainage, and plant nutrients.

Mycorrhizae, which literally translates to "fungus root," refers to a mutualistic relationship that exists between fungi and plant roots in practically all plants. While the fungus aids the plant by expanding its root surface area, the plant supports the fungus by providing the carbohydrates necessary for fungal growth.

1. 1. It is a helpful fungus that forms symbiotic relationships with plant roots and enhances phosphorus, other nutrients, and water absorption from the soil, supporting plant growth and development and increasing production.

2. Large amounts of phosphate can be taken up, stored, and transported by mycorrhizal fungus, who then release it into the plant's root tissues.

3. The use of mycorrhizal bio-fertilizer reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, particularly phosphorus fertilizer, by 30%.

4. It increases the ability of plants to withstand various soil stresses including metal toxicity, soil temperature, salinity, etc. by providing improved stress tolerance capability.

5. It enhances the developing root mass's capacity to absorb water, which keeps moisture in and around the root.

6. All types of crops, such as cereals, millets, pulses, oilseeds, fiber crops, sugar crops, plantation crops, vegetables, fruits, spices, flowers, medicinal crops, aromatic crops, orchards, and ornamentals, use it.

Benefit Mycorrhizal Biofertilizers in Kenya.

Mycorrhizal Effects on Soil Structure -  Benefit Mycorrhizal Biofertilizers in Kenya.

Aggregation of soil particles and pore spaces are both considered parts of soil structure. The preservation of soil functions and fertility depends heavily on maintaining soil structure. Through the networking of hyphae and the formation of glomalin (a biological adhesive), mycorrhizal fungi have a significant impact on soil aggregation. Because of this, maintaining the physical soil qualities depends on their existence in the soil. Improvements in soil structure lead to:

Greater water infiltration and water holding capacity

More permeability to air

Better root development

Higher microbial activity and nutrient cycling

Better resistance to surface sealing (crusts)

Better resistance to erosion (water/wind)

Better resistance to compaction.

Nutrients and Water -  Benefit Mycorrhizal Biofertilizers in Kenya.

In regions where soils lack certain nutrients and water, such as those found in the desert, mycorrhizae are crucial. Even when a nutrient is present in sufficient quantities, the plant may not have easy access to it. Significantly more extensive roots (or

The plant is able to acquire more moisture and nutrients thanks to mycorrhizae. This is crucial for the absorption of phosphorus, one of the main minerals that plants need.

"Benefit-Mycorrhizal-Biofertilizers-in-Kenya". image "Benefit-Mycorrhizal-Biofertilizers-in-Kenya". image

Dosage per Acre: For Granules Mycorrrhizal Bio-fertilizer   

Soil Treatment – Mix 4-5 kg of granular Mycorrrhizal Bio-Fertilizer in Kenya with 50 kg Power In/Cow Dung/ Compost/Soil. Blend well and broadcast it over one acre of land at the time of sowing. It can be used from sowing in maize to 50 day of the maize crop.

For Tree Treatment: Mix 100 gm 0f granular mycorrhiza bio-fertilizer with 1 kg of soil, compost, Farm Yard Manure (FYM) and apply it directly at the root zone of individual trees or vines early in the season

Related; mycorrhizal bio-fertilizer in Kenya [2022]

Dosage per Acre: Mycorrhiza Bio-Fertilizer Powder

Seed Treatment – For 1 kg seed treatment, mix 2- 10 gm (Depending on seed size) of powder mycorrhiza bio-fertilizer   in sufficient quantity of water.

For Drip Irrigation: 100 gm powder mycorrhiza with 200 liter of water

For Spray: mix 50 gm powder mycorrhiza with 100-liter water and spray near the root zone.

For Tree Treatment: Mix 10 gm 0f powder mycorrhiza with 1 liter of water and apply it directly at the root zone of individual trees or vines early in the season.

Related; What Are Mycorrhizae Fungi And Why Are They Important

Conclusion -  Benefit Mycorrhizal Biofertilizers in Kenya.

In Kenya, a group of root-bound biotrophs known as mycorrhizal fungi (MF) trade advantages with around 80% of plants. Since they give the host water, nutrients, and protection from pathogens in return for photosynthetic products, they are regarded as natural biofertilizers. Therefore, MF are essential biotic soil components that, when lacking or depleted, might result in an ecosystem working less effectively. With an eye toward sustainable agriculture, the process of restoring the natural level of MF richness can be a viable substitute for traditional fertilization techniques.

It has been seen in this article that MF inoculation generally results in favorable outcomes for plant production in both controlled and open-field settings. This is mostly because of the several nutritional advantages that this class of soil fungus symbionts may offer to their host plants. In particular, MF inoculation in the field has shown to be as effective as inoculation in the greenhouse because, unlike in open-field circumstances, non-inoculated controls in the greenhouse are often MF-free.

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