What Are Mycorrhizae - Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer

What Is Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer? - Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer

When you break it down, the word "mycor-rhiza" literally means "mushroom root." Mycorrhizae are a form of beneficial fungus; one that cannot live without being connected to the roots of plants. However, the connection isn't just about helping the mushrooms survive! Together they form a symbiotic relationship that also provides excellent benefits to the host plant, such as increased nutrient uptake, greater resistance to disease or stress, and increased yields. We will talk about the benefits of mycorrhiza in more detail below.

Over 95% of the world's plants form beneficial associations with mycorrhizal fungi. Some types only colonize the surface of plant roots, called ectomycorrhizae. These fungi mate with selected woody trees such as conifers, hazels and walnuts. Instead, endomycorrhizae penetrate root cells to become part of the root system itself. They are also much more common. 80-85% of edible gardens, fruit trees, flowers, herbaceous and ornamental plants are associated with endomycorrhizae.

What Are Mycorrhizae Fungi And Why Are They Important?

What Is Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer? - Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer

Associations between roots and fungi are called mycorrhizae. These symbiotic arrangements have been found in about 90% of all land plants and have been around for about 400 million years. Plant roots are good places for fungi to anchor and produce their threads (hyphae). The roots provide essential nutrients for fungal growth. In turn, the large mass of fungal hyphae acts as a virtual root system for the plants, increasing the amount of water and nutrients the plant can obtain from the surrounding soil. A plant that forms an association that benefits both the fungus and the plant is a "host". Many native desert plants are hosts for these fungi and would not survive without them.

Two general terms are used to describe virtually all mycorrhizae:

1. In Ectomycorrhiza (external), the fungus produces a sheath around the root.
This sheath then produces hyphae which grow into the root and the soil.

2. Endomycorrhizae (internal) do not produce a sheath; the hyphae develop in the cells and towards the soil. These are much more common than ectomycorrhizae.

9 Benefits of Using Mycorrhiza - Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer

Due to the mutually beneficial exchanges that occur between mycorrhizal fungi bio-fertilizer and plant roots (e.g. increased nutrient uptake), studies show that mycorrhiza provide plants with the following benefits:

#1. Promotes greater plant growth and deeper, healthier dark green foliage.

#2. It leads to an increase in the production of flowers and fruits (more and/or bigger). For farmers, higher yields also mean higher incomes.

#3. Greater resistance to stress, heat and other environmental changes.

#4. Better water absorption, which leads to greater drought resistance and less water demand for the plant.

#5. Decreases the risk of transplant shock, such as when planting new trees or moving seedlings grown indoors to outdoors.

#6. Increases plant disease resistance, promoting better overall plant health. Additionally, when plant roots are colonized or invaded by mycorrhizal fungi, it limits access to the roots for other harmful pests, fungi or diseases. For example, studies show that the roots of plants colonized by mycorrhiza have additional protection against parasitic root-knot nematodes and root-chewing insects.

#7. Reduces the need for fertilizer inputs (and associated costs).

#8. Decreases the accumulation and residual levels of toxic contaminants in crops, such as persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which are readily absorbed by plants into their roots and tissues.

#9. Naturally improves soil structure and fertility and promotes a healthy soil food web.

Plant With Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer and Without Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer

Plant With Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer and Without Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer

What Do Mycorrhizae Do On The Soil? - Mycorrhizal Bio-fertilizer

Nutrients and Water

Mycorrhizae are essential in areas where soils lack water and certain nutrients, conditions found in the desert. Even when a large amount of a nutrient is present, it may not be readily available to the plant. A significantly larger root system (or mycorrhizae) allows the plant to obtain additional moisture and nutrients. This is particularly important in the absorption of phosphorus, one of the main nutrients required by plants.

When mycorrhizae are present, plants are less susceptible to water stress. Mushroom sprigs not only help transport water and nutrition to the plant, but can also store it for use when rain is scarce and temperatures are high. When organic matter (compost) is added to improve the soil, mycorrhizae play an important role in the availability of its nutrients. Residual organic matter and hyphae improve soil structure. Recent research indicates that fungi even help break down rocks, increasing the availability of the essential nutrients they contain, such as potassium, calcium, zinc and magnesium.

Mycorrhizal Effects On Soil Structure - Mycorrhizal Bio-Fertilizer

Soil structure refers to the aggregation of soil particles as well as porous spaces. Maintaining soil structure is essential to maintaining soil functions and fertility. Mycorrhizal fungi play an important role in soil aggregation through the formation of networks of hyphae and the production of glomalin (biological glue). Therefore, their presence in the soil is essential to maintain the physical properties of the soil. The improvement of the soil structure results in:

• Greater water infiltration and retention capacity
• More air permeability
• Better root development
• Increased microbial activity and nutrient cycling
• Improved resistance to surface sealing (fouling)
• Better resistance to erosion (water/wind)
• Better resistance to compaction

Disease Resistance - Mycorrhizal Bio-fertilizer

Mycorrhizae also help the plant resist infection by other fungi and even bacteria. This may be due to the fact that the plant, better nourished, is healthier and more resistant to the invader. It may also be that the large physical presence of a fungus prevents infection by others. Another possibility is that the plant or fungus produces compounds that prevent infection by pathogens.

Interaction with other soil microbes: a cycle of benefits

Desert plants interact with other soil organisms. Many of these microorganisms fertilize plants by "fixing" nitrogen, which is then available for plant growth. When mycorrhizae are present, the number and vitality of these nitrogen fixers increase. As a result, the health and vigor of the plant improves, as does the health and vigor of the beneficial fungi.

Are there any fungi that form mycorrhizae? - Mycorrhizal biofertilizer

Many fungi will form associations with plants and many plants will form mycorrhizal associations. These interactions appear to be specific to plants and fungi. Not all mycorrhizal fungi will work on all desert plants. There are research reports showing that association with the "bad" fungus actually decreases plant health and vigor.

Because there is a requirement for a specific plant-fungus association, mycorrhizae can play an important role in restoring native species to areas where they have been lost.

Mycorrhizal fungi are available for sale from a variety of sources.

The introduction of mycorrhizal fungal spores (inoculation) is sometimes suggested to improve yields and plant vigor, especially for potted and landscape ornamentals. Inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi may not be beneficial unless it is plant-specific, as a specific interaction between the fungus and the plant is required to obtain optimal benefit. It would also be counterproductive to inoculate a fungus that could greatly benefit a weed species.

Maintaining Mycorrhizae in the Soil - Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer

There is no sure way to guarantee natural mycorrhizal populations, but to increase fungal numbers, follow a few basic rules. When planting a desert native, make sure the root contains native soil. This is where mycorrhizal fungi reside; without mushrooms, there can be no associations.

Just as important, be very careful when using pesticides, especially fungicides. Do not apply them to the ground. Fungicides kill any fungi they encounter. Although they can be effective against plant diseases, they can destroy beneficial fungi and cause serious problems for plant survival.

Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer in Kenya - Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer

Mycorrhizal biofertilizer in Kenya actually helped improve plant fertility. Many farmers across the country believe in mycorrhizal biofertilizer because of its many benefits.

What Is the Function Of Mycorrhizae - Mycorrhizal Bio-Fertilizer

How do mycorrhizae work? Have you ever had to work in a garden or just grow a single plant? If so, you know it's hard work: you have to nurture the growth carefully, keeping weeds at bay and providing the plant with plenty of water and sun. In the end, you will be rewarded with a wealth of healthy nutrients in the form of delicious fresh vegetables or a sight of beautiful flowers. But did you know that many plants also have their own garden? However, unlike our gardens, the Plant Gardens are completely underground and you would normally never see them except for a brief period each year. They are called mycorrhizae (my-coh-rise-eh), and they live in a symbiotic relationship with the plant itself.

Where to Buy Mycorrhizal Biofertilizers in Kenya

The National Grains and Produce Board (NCPB) has signed an agreement with Soil Health Limited to distribute biofertilizers to improve crop yields and increase food security.

Shubhodaya mycorrhizal biofertilizer, made in India but distributed locally and marketed by Soil Health Ltd, is intended for farmers whose soils are highly acidic and also lacking in essential nutrients.

Shubhodaya fertilizer conditions the soil, improves soil structure and texture, and is non-toxic, environmentally friendly, non-hazardous, and controls pathogenic organisms.

KEPHIS and KALRO approved biofertilizer is suitable for a variety of crops such as tea, coffee, mango, avocado, as well as corn, wheat, soybeans, peanuts, green grasses, beans and d other vegetable crops.
Farmers are urged to use Shubhodaya Mycorrhizal Bio-Fertilizer, which retails at Ksh 550 per kg, to improve their soils and boost their harvests. It is available in NCPB stores.

Mycorrhizal Bio-Fertilizer Summary

Possible Advantages of Mycorrhizae Fungi

Improved water and nutrient absorption
Improve fruit and flower production
Reducing the need for watering
Lessening the demand for fertilizer
Improved plant health and stress tolerance; 
Increased resistance to drought; 
Increased disease resistance; and 
Improved transplanting success

I sincerely hope you found my review to be valuable and crucial. Now that you are aware of where to buy mycorrhizal bio-fertilizer in Kenya, it is time to buy them and take advantage of all of their advantages.

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