Precision Agriculture


Utilizing cutting-edge tools like field mapping or satellite images, precision farming can increase crop quality and profitability. Additionally, it makes the best use of conventional resources. As a result, this agricultural management system helps to advance sustainable agriculture by enabling the resolution of pressing economic and ecological issues.

What is Precision Agriculture

What is Precision Agriculture - Precision Agriculture

GPS, drones, and satellite images are just a few of the technology incorporated into such a system. Farmers receive information on all important topics, such as crop status, weather forecasts, environmental changes, etc., based on this data. Additionally, the capacity to manage fields by splitting them into various zones rather than managing them as a continuous block is another significant distinction between precision farming and traditional agriculture. Such zoning enables varied management choices for certain field components, such modifying the amount of fertilizer, maximizing method movement, and using fuel more sparingly.

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Precision Agriculture

AI and precision farming are constantly being improved and providing new, smart tools to manage agricultural production. Image-based pattern recognition systems allow apps to adjust plant irrigation and nutrition based on plant type. For example, AI-equipped sprayers can recognize specific weeds and spray them without affecting cultivated crops.

Internet of Things (IoT) in Precision Agriculture - Precision Agriculture

This system gives farmers more control over the field with dedicated data sensors, remote control and an IoT platform. With IoT-based precision farming, growers can monitor all of the most critical information: from air temperature to soil conditions. Moreover, the technology solves the problem of manual survey of large farms by collecting data independently. In addition, more and more robotic systems are being introduced as part of a person's job. For example, innovative irrigation technologies free up human labor for other tasks and use water more efficiently.

Important Precision Farming - Precision Agriculture

However, precision agriculture is one of the most important IoT applications despite its relative scarcity. With our planet on the brink of a food crisis, these new technological innovations to increase yields could save lives. Anticipating natural conditions and reacting to them as quickly as possible is essential to the efficiency and profitability of agriculture. In the past, these forecasts were less accurate than they are today, thanks to the availability of real-time data.

Precision farming is an approach to farming that uses data sensors, connected devices, remote control tools and other advanced technologies to give farmers more control over the field and equipment.
Thus, an agricultural business manager or farmer will be able to adapt and anticipate environmental changes, reduce risks by creating distribution strategies and making informed decisions.

Related; What is Internet of Things (IoT)  
Related; What is Precision Agriculture Technologies

The Challenges of Precision Agriculture - Precision Agriculture

Along with the significant benefits, precision farming has several problems. Consider the main ones:
This concept does not guarantee higher incomes, as agriculture continues to depend on the climate. Therefore, the economic viability of precision agriculture needs to be carefully considered.

Most technologies provide soil and plant data, but do not offer turnkey management solutions. Producers should independently determine the future development of the business by analyzing the information received.

With the introduction of IT in agribusiness, precision farming cybersecurity is becoming more real: attackers can steal data and even resources. Likewise, each user of these systems must ensure data protection.

However, strategically, the advantages of this concept far outweigh the disadvantages. This system is therefore effective and promising.

Precision Farming to Maintain Sustainability - Precision Agriculture

Sustainable agriculture aims to meet the current needs of society, mainly in terms of food, without compromising the environment. Precision agriculture conserves resources, allowing farmers to cultivate crops and soil with maximum efficiency.

How Does Precision Agriculture Affect the Environment - Precision Agriculture

Precision farming uses resources only to the extent necessary to solve specific problems. It reduces losses seen with traditional farming practices and promotes nutrient balance. In addition, sustainable agriculture reduces the development of resistance to pesticides.

For example, VRT reduces dependence on chemical production, thereby contributing to the long-term productivity of the field. The optimization of transport costs reduces the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Thus, sustainable precision agriculture is the most advanced agricultural system that can solve productive and socially important problems, including global ones. Precision farming solutions like EOS Crop Monitoring allow everyone to solve these problems, regardless of the scale of production.

Internet of Things (IoT) Solutions for Precision Agriculture

The Internet of Things (IoT) has enabled the development of smart wearables and connected appliances, as well as automated machines and autonomous vehicles. However, the IoT has had the greatest impact on agriculture. Many industries, including infrastructure, automotive, and retail, are full of conversations about the Internet of Things (IoT).

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