How to Make Avocado Oil – DIY- Avocado Oil Benefits

How to Make Avocado Oil – DIY- Avocado Oil Benefit

How to Make Avocado Oil is not only fun, but it's also a great way to ensure your produce is free from unwanted and unnecessary additives, preservatives and chemicals. In addition, you can avoid unnecessary additional processing and often save money! Plus, with avocado oil, you can also reduce waste by using all those amazing ripe avocados for work!

While there are many good things about avocados, being able to use them as an oil is definitely an added bonus. We get avocado oil from the freshly squeezed pulp of an avocado.

How to Make Avocado Oil: Extracted from ripe/ripe avocados with a simple cold process and perfect for cooking, frying, styling and beauty.

Avocados have become the star of many dishes. They are no longer considered the main ingredient in guacamole, but are found in everything from salads to wraps and even as a base in smoothies. 

And why not, when they're loaded with vitamins and minerals, low in sugar and packed with fiber.

Although they're high in fat, they're actually the good kind that promotes heart health. This humble but excellent fruit comes in several types, but most often we find Hass avocados in our produce section. In fact, Hass accounts for 95% of all avocados consumed in the Kenya. 

If virgin or extra virgin coconut oil isn't for you, maybe this homemade Avocado Oil will be more to your liking. With just a few ripe (or very ripe) avocados and a bit of patience, you'll have "green gold" oil for all your cooking, beauty, and/or DIY needs. It's a perfect way to use up those ripe avocados we've all come across too!

How to Make Avocado Oil 2022 

Movie How to Make Avocado Oil at Home.- Avocado Oil

I show you How to Make Avocado Oil in this video, Avocado oil has a lot of benefits:

Okay, I'll 

Okey, I'll admit that avocado oil isn't exactly the most profitable of my many DIYs, unless you have a source of free or cheap avocados (or can slowly harvest ripe avocados to keep them from going to waste. However, it's definitely fun and worth sharing! Plus, there's something extremely satisfying about watching avocados turn into a brown paste (admittedly disgusting) before unexpectedly squeezing out a pile of wonderful, wholesome avocado oil.

This extra virgin avocado oil is also ideal for anyone looking to consume unrefined oils without using heat. While this process isn't exactly cold pressing (I don't have the equipment for that), it's the best option and a method ANYBODY can do at home!

Step-by Step-Instructions for Making Avocado Oil - DIY

Step 1: Prepare an Avocado Paste - How to Make Avocado Oil

First, mash the avocados into a smooth paste. You can use a hand juicer or a blender/food processor for this.
I used a handheld juicer this time to see the results. Softer dough from a machine may produce slightly better results due to more even drying.
Once pureed, spread the avocado paste in a thin layer on a parchment-lined tray or similar surface. Try to keep the layer under 1/2 inch thick. Use multiple trays if needed.

Step 2: Dry the Paste - How to Make Avocado Oil

Let the avocado paste dry naturally in a well-ventilated place (away from direct sunlight) for a few days.

You can also use a dehydrator to speed up this process. Of course, keep the temperature below 40°C/104°F to keep the oil extra virgin.

The time it takes may vary depending on the climate or weather you live in.

Once you notice that the top of the avocado paste has browned considerably, mix well and spread again in a thin layer. You will need to do this several times (at least 2 times a day, usually in the morning and in the evening).

Continue until you get a very dark brown paste. If yours was a bit thick, like mine, you might still have green bits. If it was super smooth, chances are the whole batter will now be brown.

Some people wait until the paste is almost completely dry, but if that happens, it will be extremely difficult for you to extract the oil. A good way to tell it's done is to watch the spoon as it mixes the batter; the first few times you mix the mixture, you will get the avocado. However, once done, you will notice that the dough no longer sticks to the spoon. Instead, it will look a bit greasy.

Step 3: Avocado Oil Extraction - How to Make Avocado Oil

Place the avocado paste in a nut milk bag, muslin cloth, or similar material.

You can now manually squeeze the oil into a container or let it drain naturally, squeezing it at the end of the draining process to get the last oil.

If for some reason there are "chunks" in the oil, feel free to filter it again by decanting it into a sterilized glass container.

Tips! – How to Make Avocado Oil

The fatty acid and vitamin content of avocado oil helps improve skin health in several ways.
Using it for the skin can help increase collagen, heal wounds, and minimize inflammation.
You can use the oil as a moisturizing lotion, hydra both for the face, anti-aging cream for the skin and bath oil.
Avocado oil is delicious, nourishing and easy to use.

It is high in oleic acid (a monounsaturated fat), polyunsaturated fat, carotenoids and other antioxidant-rich nutrients that are linked to better heart, skin and eye health.

You can easily add it to your diet in a salad, as part of a sauce or marinade, or as a replacement for most other vegetable oils.

If you want to switch things up, try avocado oil.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. Can Avocado Oil Clog Pores?

Avocado oil has a comedogenic, Although avocado oil is a bit heavier on the skin, it doesn't clog pores. However, on different skin types, it can lead to clogged pores.

2. Does Avocado Oil Cause Pimples?

Avocado oil helps treat skin damage and acne. It helps strengthen the skin barrier, nourish the skin and reduce inflammation. Thus, it eventually diminishes pimples and also helps to heal scars.

3. Is Avocado Oil Good For The Face?

Yes, avocado oil is good for the face as it has many benefits for the skin. For example, avocado oil helps nourish the skin. It also protects and heals damaged skin. Due to the nutritional and antioxidant composition of avocado oil, it helps fight aging, prevents wrinkles and moisturizes the skin.

4. Does Avocado Oil Lighten Skin?

Avocado oil helps hydrate, nourish and brighten the skin. Plus, it helps maintain skin health, which leads to smooth, glowing skin. But there is no research that avocado oil is helpful for skin lightening.

5. Is Avocado Oil Healthier Than Olive Oil?

Avocado oil and olive oil are similar, replicate the nutrient profile, and are high in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. However, avocado oil and olive oil differ in their smoke point. Avocado oil has a higher smoke point than olive oil.

6. Does Avocado Oil Make Hair Grow?

Yes, avocado oil helps increase hair growth because it contains vitamin B which is essential for hair growth. Plus, it's a vital source of antioxidants and excess vitamin E, which helps stimulate hair growth.

7. Does Avocado Oil Make You Lose Weight?

Yes, avocado oil helps with weight loss because it is high in monounsaturated fat and oleic acid, which helps reduce belly fat. It also reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome, which negatively affects weight loss. Avocado oil also helps boost metabolism. A high metabolism helps speed up weight loss by converting food into energy faster.

8. Does Avocado Oil Have Any Side Effects?

There can be several side effects of avocado oil. For example, it causes an allergic reaction in some cases. Additionally, excessive consumption can cause liver damage, oral allergy, and gastrointestinal irritation. Additionally, it is not safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women to consume excess avocado oil.

9. When Should I Use Avocado Oil?

The ideal is to use avocado oil for cooking, dressing salads and food, applying it to the face and hair. You can also add a tablespoon to a smoothie. Plus, you can add it to your healthy homemade salad dressings. 

10. Is Avocado Oil Anti-Aging?

Yes, avocado oil helps prevent premature aging because avocado oil contains vitamin E. This vitamin helps nourish the skin and increases collagen production. As a result, avocado oil reduces wrinkles while boosting the anti-aging process.

11. Is Avocado Oil Better Than Coconut Oil?

Yes, avocado oil may be a better choice for consumption and application than coconut oil. Avocado oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, which help nourish the heart. However, coconut oil burns fat and increases energy.

How to Make Avocado Oil - Avocado Oil Benefits

  1. Moisturizes and nourishes hair and skin
  2. Accelerates wound healing
  3. Treats sunburned skin
  4. Reduces signs of aging
  5. Improves scalp health
  6. Rich in essential fatty acids & vitamins ( A, B-5 & E) and lots more.

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